How to Uninstall Inquisit Web Edition
Thank you for participating in an Inquisit Web study! If you wish to uninstall Inquisit Web, please follow the instructions below.
Instructions for Windows
To uninstall Inquisit Web:- Open the "Programs and Features" applet in Windows Control Panel (called "Add/Remove Programs" in Windows XP).
- Search for the entry with "Inquisit 5 Player", "Inquisit 6 Player", or "Inquisit7 Player" in the programs list. If you find it, double-click to uninstall.
Instructions for Mac OS X
To uninstall the Inquisit Player:
- Close your browser
- Delete "Inquisit" or "Inquisit Player" or "Inquisit Player" from your /Applications folder
- Or delete "Inquisit" or "Inquisit Player" or "Inquisit Player" from your /Users/(your username)/Applications folder.
Instructions for iOS
To uninstall the Inquisit Player:- Press and hold the "Inquisit Player" or "Inquisit 6 Player" or "Inquisit Player 7" icon for a few seconds until the icon starts "wiggling".
- Press the black X on the icon to delete it.
Instructions for Android
To uninstall the Inquisit Player:- Tap Menu
- Select Settings->Applications->Manage applications
- Tap the "Inquisit 6 Player" or "Inquisit Player 7" app
- Tap Uninstall to remove it